You are here on Gaia by Soul Design. Raise to the occasion to let your Soul learn and evolve.
Re-ascension is the sacred pathway of divine remembrance… of who you truly are!
Cultivate and practice benevolent thoughts, words, actions, and compassion.
Viviane is an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected hybrid human form as an emissary for the re-ascension timeline. Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide in the past 12 years. As an oracle of Arcturus, her mission consists of traveling from star system to star system and assisting civilizations on the verge of their evolutionary Ascension process. Her intergalactic delegation is a member of the Federation of Light and collaborates with many Star Regency and interplanetary councils.
Over the past decade, Viviane has given many lectures at conferences and gatherings and has been interviewed on numerous radio shows and online summits. She is featured in the multi-award-winning documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelation” and will be featured in an upcoming documentary based on Craig Campobasso’s book “The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac.”  Viviane’s collaborative bestselling book series, "Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace," "Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies," and “The Imaginist” is also available on Amazon. She teaches humanity how to reach its highest potential.

Intergalactic intelligence perceives Earth human beings as the Essence of Light expressed in sentient physical life forms. Humanity’s consciousness is awakening to a grander reality as galactic royalties with ascension codes in the Quantum DNA Field.
Viviane assists humanity in returning to a state of enlightenment and Divine wholeness. She invites everyone to walk in the certainty of their Light, and re-ascend to their original Universal Time Matrix.
In 2007, Viviane underwent a significant awakening and energetic reset and received her holographic and quantum healing training with the Arcturian Council. She furthered her studies and became certified in Crystalline Soul Healing®, Unity Field Healing®, QHHT, and ThetaHealing®. She is an emissary and multidimensional conduit for various Star Delegations, including the Lyrans, Sirians, Andromedans, and other interstellar group consciousness.
She is featured in a multi-award-winning documentary, "Extraordinary: The Revelations," and will be featured in an upcoming documentary based on Craig Campobasso's "The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac." Viviane's collaborative #1 Bestselling book series "Wisdom of the Silver Sisters – Guiding Grace" and "Golden Wisdom of Love, Legends & Legacies" are available on Amazon. In 2020, Viviane founded The Arcturian Online Community with exclusive memberships, online events, retreats, and other benefits.