Replays - Monthly Class

Just as powerful as the live session!

Replay - Monthly Class

December replay - Spiritual Spine

Living in the Moment is part of the core teachings of Ascended Masters, enlightened Star Beings, spiritual teachers, and many indigenous tribes. How do we integrate this core teaching into our life and spiritual practice? It begins with the ancient art of understanding the spine's spiritual language as the body's energetic center.

Millions of years ago, the spine of the Earth tilted, and with that, humanity became misaligned, deeply asleep, and trapped. Now that humanity's awareness is returning to a higher state of consciousness, there is a palpable global "awakening" that is redefining the shape of reality. We will explore how various parts of the spiritual spine, such as the coccyx, sacrum, lumbar, cervical, etc., become doorways of cosmic forces into the unconscious.

As the foundation (axis) of your being, the spiritual spine serves as the sacred divine bridge between the chakras and the nervous system, between the multiverse and Earth. It is perfect timing, especially with the coming of a new Cosmic Gateway! 

Join our Monthly Class, a transformative learning experience. 

60-day Replay Access
This ticket gives you 60-day access to the replay and is not a membership. 


Replay - Monthly Class

November replay - Celestial Consciousness

Have you ever communicated with other celestial consciousness? As a sentient being, your internal channels constantly transmit and receive signals. We will utilize the full spectrum of the nervous system and inner energetic vortexes as a conscious portal into the multiverse. We know that Gaia’s Sentient Field is evolving and expanding in quantum leaps. Let us attune to this deeper aspect of ourselves that has the innate capability to communicate with the quantum holographic consciousness of the Universe and celestial beings, including planets, archangels, star beings, and more.

We live in a conscious, living, and aware universe. Once our awareness expands, we can open ourselves to our gifts, higher forms of communication, soul’s blueprint, guidance, Third Eye, and so forth. Viviane and the Arcturians will bring wisdom, experiential exercises, and opportunities to tap deeper into your own infinite potential as the next generation of evolved human beings. We invite you to implement these higher spiritual practices into your daily life, with your family and friends, and in all aspects of your life journey.

 60-day Replay Access

Join our Monthly Class, a transformative learning experience. It is a powerful 2 hours filled with extra sensory experiences and galactic wisdom.

This ticket gives you 60-day access to the replay and is not a membership. 


Replay - Monthly Class

October replay - Healing the Heart of Humanity 

Healing the Heart of Humanity and Gaia is the masterpiece of Ascension. As multi-dimensional beings, souls experience many time cycles (incarnations) in various time frames, space, and dimensions. Based on the soul’s life lessons and experiences, fractals of light are left behind, thus creating imprints of energetic memories in various timelines. Viviane and the Masters of Light (The Arcturians) will open the time-space continuum to explore some of the most predominant ancient civilizations, including:
  • Lemuria
  • Atlantis
  • Ancient Egypt and the Library of Alexandria
  • Babylonia
  • Roman Empire / Ancient Greece
  • Sumer (Sumerian) / Mesopotamia
By using the Earth’s grid systems, we can retrace soul aspects and generate profound healing that will reflect upon today’s reality.  Can you already feel a greater freedom of the Soul and Heart? Join us for our October monthly class


It is a powerful 2 hours filled with extra sensory experiences and galactic wisdom.

This ticket gives you 60-days access to the replay and is not a membership. 


Replay - Monthly Class

September replay - The 13-Dimension Intelligence Source 

For our September course, we will explore the “13-Dimension Intelligence Source”, the Divine God-Code, that helps you to transition from lower density to higher frequency with more ease. It explores the layers of dimensions associated with the Intelligent Field Waves of information that expands from the Universal Field within the Creator’s Consciousness. Known as the Spirit Intelligence, this Creator’s Presence activates sparks of dimensional awareness and innate abilities and shows the pathway to the original state of Oneness with the Supreme Source. Imagine taking a journey to the 13-Dimension Spiral Configuration of Universal Ascension!

It is a powerful 2 hours filled with extra sensory experiences and galactic wisdom.

This ticket gives you 60-days access to the replay and is not a membership. 


Replay - Monthly Class

August replay - Inner Heart Garden

This month our class is about your “Inner Heart Garden”. It is the most potent and sacred place in the Universe. It is about soul fragments, healing profound energies, transforming shadow wounds and memories, calming the body's Ascension symptoms, decoding the creation of a new design, and rediscovering your natural vibration and tones/frequencies.  As Gaia and the human conscious field shift from one timeline to a higher one, it is essential to release self-sabotage patterns.
We will continue the release of the 3D Codex (outdated Earth’s Grids) and move to the Higher Heart’s Conscious Field. How to keep your consciousness open! We will include some Animal Healing and how to be of service. Let’s activate your empathic and intuitive centers. We are called to elevate the human consciousness and embrace movement on a grand scale.
We will include a short Q&A with the Arcturians during the August monthly event! Viviane and her team will answer the most repetitive questions and explore the central thematics of questions received during the live event.

It is a powerful 2 hours filled with extra sensory experiences and galactic wisdom.

This ticket gives you 60-days access to the replay and is not a membership. 
