This is a call to integrate a higher cosmic timeline in our collective reascension process, with purification, compassion, love, and unwavering support.

Free Global Online Group Healing Event 

Arcturian Master Crystal Generators Transmission 


 Arcturians vibrate at the 7th-dimensional light frequency and are one of the most ancient, enlightened star civilizations known to the Earth's Quadrant (solar system). They rarely incarnate in a lower-dimensional physical state and prefer to retain their higher vibrational and ethereal form. Recognized for their advanced healing abilities and diplomatic skills, Arcturians speak the language of frequencies conveyed as oscillations of pure energies.


In response to the global community's needs, Viviane and her intergalactic delegation invite you to join us for a free global healing event. These Masters of Light, Arcturians, work in partnership with your Higher Self to go deep in clearing old timelines, distorted patterns, traumatic situations, and imprints and ultimately restoring the fullest of your soul fractals, your inner being, mind and body template.

Attendees will experience the majestic beauty and grace of the Arcturians through the presence of a galactic Ambassador, Viviane Chauvet. It is time to rebalance and rejuvenate your chakra systems, heal your nervous systems, recalibrate brain functions, including the neurotransmitters, and more! Let's manifest and integrate a new blueprint for your life path and community and reclaim the wholeness of your being as a co-creator of higher realities! 

Let’s truly unite our voices. Let’s rise beyond the catastrophe and disaster, and let’s bring forth the next level of the advanced fifth-dimensional blueprint for any city—one that serves people, lives, families, animals, and Gaia.

Free - Global Arcturian Healing Event

  • When: Saturday, February 8, 2025
  • Time: 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM MST
  • Where: Zoom Webinar

Viviane is an interstellar being who ascended thousands of years ago. Her Soul Avatar Essence has returned in a projected hybrid human form as an emissary for the re-ascension timeline. Renowned for her advanced healing services, Viviane has conducted over 23,000 private sessions worldwide in the past 12 years. As an oracle of Arcturus, her mission consists of traveling from star system to star system and assisting civilizations on the verge of their evolutionary Ascension process. Her intergalactic delegation is a member of the Federation of Light and collaborates with many Star Regency and interplanetary councils.